Welcome to my website!

I’m Joe. Hi.

I’m probably in the water right now.
Maybe I’m doing Cosplay right now.

Read about me here.

Thanks for visiting!

Here’s the last 30 days.

February 17
Fog (25 words)
I love American Music (42 words)
February 15
Ob is still Ob. (40 words)
February 7
Nature boy (58 words)
February 5
“Use It” Time-Lapse Video (157 words)
February 2
Today (34 words)
February 1
Latest Pages and Projects (267 words)
January 28
meditations on friction IndieWeb Carnival (631 words)
Droneduded! (137 words)
January 26
Sunset Cliffs Today (51 words)
January 25
You’re the best PB (100 words)
January 24
“USE IT.” (3 words)
January 21
I hate billionaire Nazis. (5 words)
January 20
Painful reminder (164 words)
Today and tomorrow and tomorrow (22 words)